OBD-II Signal Splitter Adapter
OBD-II Signal Splitter Adapter
Gauges, programmers, and numerous other upgrades for your truck require a constant stream of data coming through your OBD-II connector under the dash. In many cases, you can have two devices that you'd like to be plugged in at once, or what if you want to scan the truck for codes or other diagnostics? You are required to unplug your device in order to gain access to the OBD-II. With this splitter from AutoMeter, you can have two access points under your dash to aid in simplifying this mess.
This low profile OBD-II signal splitter / pass through alows for remote location of connections for AutoMeter products like AirDrive, DashLink, DashControl and SmartConnect instrumentation while providing an additional easy to access connection point for other onboard devices requiring access to the OBD-II data stream. This splitter may work with other non-AutoMeter products, as well, but have not been verified by AutoMeter.

OBD-II Signal Splitter Adapter

OBD-II Signal Splitter Adapter
Gauges, programmers, and numerous other upgrades for your truck require a constant stream of data coming through your OBD-II connector under the dash. In many cases, you can have two devices that you'd like to be plugged in at once, or what if you want to scan the truck for codes or other diagnostics? You are required to unplug your device in order to gain access to the OBD-II. With this splitter from AutoMeter, you can have two access points under your dash to aid in simplifying this mess.
This low profile OBD-II signal splitter / pass through alows for remote location of connections for AutoMeter products like AirDrive, DashLink, DashControl and SmartConnect instrumentation while providing an additional easy to access connection point for other onboard devices requiring access to the OBD-II data stream. This splitter may work with other non-AutoMeter products, as well, but have not been verified by AutoMeter.